Iran is aware of electric substation cyber threats and vulnerabilities

Mojtaba S. is a project manager, consultant, and industrial security specialist for the Electric Industry of Iran for the past 8 years. His well-written article, “Detecting Cyber Intrusions in Substation Networks,”  demonstrates detailed knowledge of electric substation designs, protocols, and cyber vulnerabilities.  Russia compromised a US water system and has been in the U.S. grids since 2014. China has compromised control system supply chains and has installed hardware backdoors in large electric transformers. Iran attacked the Bowman Street Dam in New York and has demonstrated detailed understanding of substation cyber threats. Any thoughts that Russia, China, and Iran are technically unaware of how to attack the US critical infrastructures is clearly misinformed.

Iran is aware of electric substation cyber threats and vulnerabilities

Control Systems Cybersecurity Expert, Joseph M. Weiss, is an international authority on cybersecurity, control systems and system security. Weiss weighs in on cybersecurity, science and technology, security emerging threats and more.