Exploiting remote access – the ultimate living off the land attack

Remote access to control systems is necessary for equipment reliability and availability. Securing remote access is a very tough problem because it is a double-edged sword providing needed reliability improvement and a potential vehicle for Living-off-the-Land attacks. Cyber security technologies exist to secure remote access from external intruders. However, cyber security programs are not adequately […]

The US electric industry is not responding to cyber-vulnerable Chinese equipment

The electric grid is interconnected. The interconnectivity goes not only between utilities but also between facilities connected to the grid. The Chinese (and other threat actors) are exploiting this cyber security gap. Chinese transformers, cranes, inverters, process sensors, etc. are comparably well-made and inexpensive leading to their continued use in US critical infrastructures. Many of […]

False process sensor data can be catastrophic, but are not adequately addressed

The impetus for this blog was twofold: first, a Concordia University study dated January 24, 2024, which concluded that tampering with the electric system sensors could cause grid fluctuations, and second, my meeting with the engineer who scientifically documented that the radiation monitoring system outside the Chernobyl nuclear plant was compromised with false data. The […]

Microsoft Australian East Data Center control system cyber incident – unintentional or malicious?

Data center control system cyber incidents have shut down or damaged data centers operated by many different entities globally. August 30, 2023, a utility voltage sag tripped cooling units at the Microsoft Australia East Azure Data Center. When the voltage sag occurred, all five chillers in operation faulted and didn’t restart because the pumps did […]

Hacking insecure process sensor systems may have affected the Chernobyl nuclear plant site

I am an engineer not a threat analyst. I can tell you what can happen to control systems from cyber vulnerabilities; I cannot tell you why someone would or would not want to exploit these vulnerabilities. My concerns are from a safety perspective as process sensors are used globally to monitor environmental conditions around industrial […]

Regulatory gaps drive systemic under-reporting and poor situational awareness

Control system cyber impacts are visible – lights go out, pipes leak or break, trains crash, planes crash, etc. However, it is often not evident that cyber played a role. Many times, sophisticated cyber attackers will make a cyberattack look like an equipment malfunction. There have been cyberattacks by Russia and China on US grids […]

Process sensors are different than IOT and IIOT devices

December 2022, the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued Critical Infrastructure Actions Needed to Better Secure Internet-Connected Devices (GAO-23-105327). According to GAO, the scope of the report was governed by a legislative mandate in The Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2020, which (along with conversations with GAO’s Congressional clients), which dictated the terms […]

More than 17 million dangerous control system cyber incidents are hidden in plain sight

Control system cyber incidents are plentiful (more than 17 million), dangerous, and mostly unidentified as being cyber-related Control system cyber incidents are more common and dangerous than most security specialists and industry leaders tend to believe. That requires some explanation. I have been amassing a database of control system cyber incidents since 2000 when I […]

Critical infrastructures cannot be secure when critical equipment isn’t

August 25, 2022, I received a call from an insurance specialty insurer who had received an Operational Technology (OT) Supplemental Application from a global control system supplier to the aerospace industry, industrial operations, and the US Department of Defense. I am personally aware of at least some of the company’s products because of their use […]