A critical look at the CSIS Report “Dismissing Cyber Catastrophe”

Jim Lewis is a Sr VP at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). He wrote the article “Dismissing Cyber Catastrophe” dated August 17, 2020 – https://www.csis.org/analysis/dismissing-cyber-catastrophe?utm_source=CSIS+All&utm_campaign=e4d5b3e04c-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_11_08_05_05_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f326fc46b6-e4d5b3e04c-221758737 . In ‘Dismissing Cyber Catastrophe,’ Jim argues that concerns about industrial cyber security are overblown and the risk is exaggerated. Because the view that ‘cyber catastrophes’ are […]

Perhaps one step backward in building CIP capacity?

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result                                                                                                – Attributed to A. Einstein A recent post titled “Regarding (AA20-049A) Ransomware Impacting Pipeline Operations”   on SCADASEC pointed out the FUD promoting aspects of an alert published by  The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) at […]

Targeting Control and Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS): new escalation of cyber threats to critical [energy] infrastructure

“It is no use saying, ‘We are doing our best.’ You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.” – Winston Churchill Introduction Industrial Control and Safety systems play an important part in insuring that the physical processes taking place in a manufacturing plant, power generation facility or other segment of critical infrastructure do […]

Towards a Cyber Safe Critical Infrastructure: Answering the 3 questions*

What are the main challenges in implementing cyber security policies? There are several challenges in developing and most importantly, in implementing cyber security policies. However most successful efforts will be judged according to the way the following 3 important questions are answered: 1. What to protect? 2. From what cyber threats? 3. How, considering that […]

ICS cybersecurity at the crossroads: heading toward cyber peace or towards a “duty to hack”?

The year is ending and there have been several unsettling events in cyberspace this past year to reflect upon. They all seemed to have come together for me this past week as I completed my speaking engagements in Vilnius and in Garmische-Partenkirchen. The first conference was in Vilnius with the title “Baltic Energy Summit 2017 […]