Data center cybersecurity – don’t overlook the cyber vulnerable building control systems

According to many people, data is the new oil. Industries such as insurance, finance, retail, etc. depend on massive amounts of data from multiple data centers. However, what happens if you can’t get to your data because the data center infrastructure or servers have been damaged and are unusable? Data is merely a series of […]

Lack of security at Level 0/1: problem of awareness or unwillingness to change priorities?

To be honest I was planning to write about unintentional cyber incidents in critical infrastructure and the need to pull away some of our attention from the sexy topic of cyber-attacks and cyber kill-chains.  I changed my mind when I read Dale Peterson’s informative article on “Awareness Of Purdue Level 0 and 1 (In)Security” and […]

The US food supply is neither cybersecure nor safe from control system cyber threats

The US FDA is supposed to assure the US food supply is safe from adulteration. However, the FDA Food Safety Management Act (FSMA) requirements ignore cyber threats. There have been more than 20 control system cyber incidents in food and beverage facilities including some where people were harmed and others that shut down facilities. Similar […]

Observations from 2021 SANS ICS Cyber Security Conference

The 2021 SANS ICS Cyber Security Conference was held March 4-5, 2021 with almost 9,000 registrants globally. The Conference thoroughly addressed OT networking issues. However, cyber security issues associated with Level 0,1 devices were not as adequately understood and addressed. There was also almost no discussion of the hardware backdoors in the Chinese-made transformers. My […]

Texas power outages demonstrate grid cyber vulnerability and inadequacy of existing regulations

Recent Texas power outages and the loss of both electricity and water across Texas demonstrate how vulnerable ERCOT and Texas are to not only natural disasters such as snowstorms and hurricanes but also manmade and malicious activities. More than that, it also demonstrates the vulnerability of the entire U.S. Energy grid. The good news is […]

Don’t overlook the most consequential control system cyber events of 2020

URL: Two of the most consequential control system cyber events (attacks) in 2020 were supply chain attacks. The first event was the Chinese installing hardware backdoors in large electric transformers, an incident that prompted Presidential Executive Order (EO) 13920. The hardware backdoors are obvious control system threats. The second event was the Russian SolarWinds […]

The Chinese hardware backdoors can cause transformer failures through the load tap changers

As I was reviewing my blogs for a paper I was preparing, I found a nuclear power plant incident involving a station auxiliary transformer load tap changer (LTC) failure. Substation transformers have been acknowledged as the Achilles heel of the electric industry. As a result, the 2015 FAST (Fixing America’s Surface Transportation) Act contained a […]

What would Sun Tzu and Louis Pasteur say about today’s industrial cybersecurity?

Have been following the discussions on industrial cybersecurity, convergence, network vs device security, and IT vs OT vs ICS[2]. Some of the points of view differ greatly on what needs to be done.  This lack of consensus indicates that something may be wrong with our assumptions and our approach.   A disturbing lack progress being […]